megan and i thought we scored a sweet deal when the sun country lady said shewa s going to ut us in the meergnecy exit row... come ot find out she didnt even give us the window seats we aske for originally aboard the tiny 737. andrea passed out the entire way waking up only for the two in flight meals--chicken florentine and sausage egg and cheese croissant.
the layover in gander was werid. we deplanned OUTSIDE while they refuled took them forever to et

going again. upon an hour late arrive to gatwick, we stook in line at customs for another 2.5 hours tehere were a max of 2 immigration people working the NON UK passport line while about 8 people working the UK line.
once making it through we hopped a 9pound cab to our hotel, were checked in early then returned to gatwick for the gatwick express into the city. found where our bus to stonehenge was picking us up then walked to buckingham palace and all the way around it before catching front row seats on the two hour ride out to stonehenge. Why stonehenge? meg and i have both seen the city before and this way it is crossed off the bucket list.
two hour ride through the english countryside, 1 hour walk through the park, 2 hou

r ride home. definitely worth the 46$ to say we've seen it.
upon return to london, we did the guide yourself walking tour passed big ben, the eyye of london. westminister abbey. it was 8pm and we were STARVING and trying to find us a nice english pub. Albert won. we both had fish and chips--what else is there to eat in lo

ndon? it was okay--very breaded and very bad for you. Throughout the entire meal, there was a group of english chaps that kept making eye contact. decided to talk to them before we left.... they offered us drinks and we ended up hopping a couple pubs with them. did you know pubs close in london at 11pm.... yup... we konw now!
there names are michaell (from manchester) robert (he's going to be on londons x factor--ask megan i dont get it) and Ian (from liverpool). after both pubs closed down on us the boys walked us back to victoria station where we hopped the 'wrong' gatwick express and had

to make a transfer from west couply to east couply. good thing our tickets didnt get checked. I then lost megan at the airport because i had to go to the bathroom. Ended up hopping the hotel shuttle back to the hotel only to find megan not there. she was through the door a couple minutes later. phew. Sunday morning is a hard morning but good thing we can sleep in before catching our 245 flight to athens-- more to come
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