Saturday, January 5, 2013

Nicaragua day 3-- Leon beach

Woke up at 7 to john Paulo's cooking of pintos gallos (rice and beans) scrambled eggs and fresh squeezed orange juice. We then got dressed for the beach. John paulo drove us the 20 minutes to the beach. We sat at playa rota. Rock beach bar on the second floor and had 3 rounds. Then we walked out to the rock in the water for some photo opps before going down shore a little bit to another beach front property for fish shticks and cocktail shrimp. Delish! Then it was 1130 and we needed to be back in town at 2 for our volcano trip. But john paulo wanted to show us one more place that serves the best seafood consumay. Its like soup with a bunch of seafood chunks in it. Like a lobster, shrimp, veggies, and other sea creatures. It was good. 2 more rounds. Then it was 145. We headed out and called gabby to call bigfoot to let them know we were running late and they made a big stink and refused to wait. We continued back to attempt a refund as we were planning on returning to managua tonight and going to the lagoon tomorrow. No luck. So, we changed our volcano boarding to thursday and decided to hit up the town. Went and did a little shopping, found a green and white hammock I liked for 11$ tried to haggle to 8 but its hard when you don't speak the language. Then we ordered flor de cana the nicaraguan slow aged rum. The youngest is 4 years, oldest is 25. We got the 7 year aged rum. In a 375 ml bottle plus bottle of coke club soda and limes. 1 part rum, 1 part club soda, 2 parts coca cola 1 lime. 3 more of those and we went back to gabby's house for dinner made by john paulo. Then we went dancing with lauren, an american girl staying at the house from the peace core until 2014. However, we got to the dance hall, and the bouncers wanted 80 cordoba at the door (thats like 3.50$). So the girls who are tight on cash didn't want to go. So we went to a nearby bar that had an open terrace. We set up a table and ordered a round of flor de cana. Then Luis-Alberto ordered some food, that ended up being appetizer samplers. Then the german's girl (who is a Chilla -- pronounced chila like the end of a chinchila) is a foreign girl in nicaragua. A chilero is a local who only dates foreign girls) german girls boyfriend came as did one of John Paulo's friends joined. it started to rain, and then it started to pour so we moved underneath the awning. then we moved back because it was too hot with too little airflow. Then the german girl and the chilero left and we went to a karokee bar. The signing was absolutely horrible. at about 2am we decided to call it a night. and John Paulo drove us back to the house and we passed out.

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