Thursday, January 9, 2014

Australia Day 13-- Great Barrier Reef

Woke up at 6, in time to throw on my swimsuit and be dropped off at the harbor by matt my host. He delivered me right to the harbor complete with breakfast cafe so I had an omelet and chai before obtaining my boarding pass. Bronwyn, the person with great adventures I was emailing back and forth with (where are you staying? Idk I'm couchsurfing. What's your Australian phone number? I don't have one. Can you pick me up from Edmonton, no we don't, etc) was the one who checked me in and helped me figure out a bus stop to get back to Matt's house after. As well as where the shopping mall was (which is where I'll find her, haha) Then boarded the boat, went up a level and cozied up next to a young couple with one extra seat besides them

We make small talk the 50 minute cruise out to green island and find out she is also afraid of swimming with things so I asked if I could tag along. They were very inviting. When we arrived to green island we made our way to the beach with no lifeguard (as there will probably not be as many people. I lay out on my lay upon and they go out for a bit. We only had two hours. And then they talked me into going out. There wasn't a lot to see and I decided to turn back. Sure enough there were three giant fish and then a stingray about 1 foot in front of me. I did what they tell you not to so and freaked out. Did not get stung. Bit still rather scary.

After that we returned our snorkel fear and headed to the boat fr a 1120 departure to the Norman reef pontoon in the outtrr edge of the Great Barrier Reef.
Another 50 minutes and we arrived. The water is so blue and many shades of blue. Absolutely breathtaking. And you can see the areas of coral simply by looking out.
We deboard and wait for the submerged blah tour. This line was way too long and Instead we go k the underwater observatory where we saw a bunch of big fishes and some babies too. Then it was time to eat. They has chicken stirfry over rice and a variation of salads. It was actually quite good. Then we went on the 130 semi submerged submarine and saw another part of the reef and a shark. Then we went and picked up our snorkel gear and set out for the reef. The water was quite warm surprisingly we saw reef almost immediately. Swam over some coral. I took a bazillion pictures with my underwater camera. Saw a huge sea turtle and a ton of brilliant blue fish. Even saw a couple angel fish.

After about an hour we headed in. Shortly thereafter they closed up the boat and returned on the 2 hour voyage back to cairns. I took a nice short nap and Nadine and Tim did as well. Upon our return we walked a little bit of the lagoon then did a little shopping and met matt, my host for a couple drinks and pizza. After a couple rounds matt and I left. Said our goodbyes but only after I made plans with Nadine and Tim for them to pick me up at 8am and go to the sky rail, a cable car system that goes back Into the rainforest!

Score, my ride from the sticks into town and closer to the airport and I get to see part of the rainforest too! Matt and I made it back and he showed me some of his pictures from alaska. Gorgeous. I took the best shower ever ( nothing like getting the salt water out of your hair) then went to bed about midnight thirty.

Onto Gold Coast tomorrow!

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