Sarah and I were up and out of the house by 715 to catch our 815 ferry from Fremantle to rottnest island. Rottnest is home to cockers. Marsupial rodents that are about the size of a basketball. And only live on Western Australia. Rottnest is a 20 minute ferry ride out in the Indian Ocean and is free of cars. You have to hike or bike the entire island. It has numerous different beaches and some homesteaders. There is a general store and a dome (nice coffee hot breakfast food chain) as well as some original homes and a hotel complete with beach bar. It was one of the original English settlements and it's name stands for rats nest island because of the cockers.
We arrived early to Fremantle so Sarah drive me around the town complete with the coffee street and the Fremantle prison which was in use until 1993. The original prisoners were responsible for building it. We then parked the car and got our boarding passes printed in time and boarded the ferry sitting at a 6top with a family if four.

Arrived to rottnest and headed straight to dome for breakfast and a chai. Had the breakfast wrap and a large chai latte. Mmm. Sarah had the big breakfast (eggs bacon mushroom toast tomato). After we set out for the lighthouse met a group from Ireland (Sarah called their accents) and down along the shoreline. Basin beach is the most popular beach, but it was rocky and packed. So we kept going to the next bay which had the gorgeous white sand beach some boats and tons of flies. (Houseflies). I laid out my towel and began soaking up some rays. Sarah went for a walk while I got my tan on. After a few hours (and 9 dead flies later--these flies are dumb flies, I killed them all with my hand as they do not feel you coming and just sit there--and I had hand sanitizer for afterwards) we started the trek back to the main side and the pub. Had a cider both an apple and a pear cider we order the Italian share plate with a bunch of different meats on it and just took in the atmosphere of the island before our 430 ferry ride home.

Once we got back, Sarah drove me around to see the sights of Perth. Along the water front and up to kings hill to overlook the city. Gorgeous. Then we went and picked up Jackie, her roommate who was watching deadly 60. You know. Steve Irwin like dude who travels Australia in search of deadly things. They were catching tiger snakes in Perth. (Freak out) we then went back to Fremantle to the microbrew and enjoyed two plates of nachos and a pizza (and an IPA) outside on the patio. The ambiance is something that northbound needs to recreate. It was quite nice.
It's funny, there is absolutely no tipping of servers in Australia and you usually have to order your food or drinks and then have a seat with a number and they'll being your food to you. This place had table service but we had to pay for it immediately when we ordered.
After dinner we walked the shoreline admired the warning crescent moon over the water and stared at Orion (who is upside down in the Southern Hemisphere). Then returned home to Sarah's, swapped pictures watched two episodes of buck wild and went to bed. Off to Alice springs in the am.
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We arrived early to Fremantle so Sarah drive me around the town complete with the coffee street and the Fremantle prison which was in use until 1993. The original prisoners were responsible for building it. We then parked the car and got our boarding passes printed in time and boarded the ferry sitting at a 6top with a family if four.
Arrived to rottnest and headed straight to dome for breakfast and a chai. Had the breakfast wrap and a large chai latte. Mmm. Sarah had the big breakfast (eggs bacon mushroom toast tomato). After we set out for the lighthouse met a group from Ireland (Sarah called their accents) and down along the shoreline. Basin beach is the most popular beach, but it was rocky and packed. So we kept going to the next bay which had the gorgeous white sand beach some boats and tons of flies. (Houseflies). I laid out my towel and began soaking up some rays. Sarah went for a walk while I got my tan on. After a few hours (and 9 dead flies later--these flies are dumb flies, I killed them all with my hand as they do not feel you coming and just sit there--and I had hand sanitizer for afterwards) we started the trek back to the main side and the pub. Had a cider both an apple and a pear cider we order the Italian share plate with a bunch of different meats on it and just took in the atmosphere of the island before our 430 ferry ride home.
Once we got back, Sarah drove me around to see the sights of Perth. Along the water front and up to kings hill to overlook the city. Gorgeous. Then we went and picked up Jackie, her roommate who was watching deadly 60. You know. Steve Irwin like dude who travels Australia in search of deadly things. They were catching tiger snakes in Perth. (Freak out) we then went back to Fremantle to the microbrew and enjoyed two plates of nachos and a pizza (and an IPA) outside on the patio. The ambiance is something that northbound needs to recreate. It was quite nice.
It's funny, there is absolutely no tipping of servers in Australia and you usually have to order your food or drinks and then have a seat with a number and they'll being your food to you. This place had table service but we had to pay for it immediately when we ordered.
After dinner we walked the shoreline admired the warning crescent moon over the water and stared at Orion (who is upside down in the Southern Hemisphere). Then returned home to Sarah's, swapped pictures watched two episodes of buck wild and went to bed. Off to Alice springs in the am.
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