Woke up this morning at about ten am, Javier went and grabbed chicken and cheese burritos for breakfast ate and then we went to the Tabidabo-- a church high on the hill.. there was a street car to bring you up to the furnicle where you catch a tram up to the top. well--that all would have costed 10 euros--so instead we decided to walk. And yes, i wore a dress today and flipflops, i suggested walking. took us about 15 minutes

to get to the furnicle and the line was really long for that so i said lets walk. it was a gorgous 45 minute hike through the winding trails of the

mountain overlooking the city. even though we were still in the city limits it didnt feel like we were. once we got to the top--we walked through the amusement park andd javier grabbed an ice cold cocacola. we enjoyed the scenary and then i decided to make the climb up to the tip top of the church on the hill. for 2 euros i was allowed up (most of the way by elevator) and go

t some gorgeous pictures from up there-- if only it wasnt cloudy today.
Afterwards we decided to start our hike back down, which only took about 30 minutes and i had a stratichicato (chocolate chip) ice cream to help with the hike. We got all the way to the bottom, hopped our metro and are home now so javier can

shower and i can change my shoes. We are headed back to la rambla for the night and tomorrow we plan on visiting the beach before my 340pm flight to dublin. That host knows i am coming :-)