Slept in until 10am then showered and ate eggs with bacon for breakfast. The eggs were like an egg bake and tasted delicious especially atop the fresh rolls. We then relaxed around the house before me and "jense" caught a train into hamburg. Upon arriving to hamburg we put my stuff in a locker (which happened to fit in a small locker) then went and jens pointed me in the direction of things to do, the pubs where I can find the game then we walked the shopping district towards the lake (all the shops were closed) but there was a triathlon just about to start! We were watching the swimming portion but jens had to leave before they got out of the water. Jens was absolutely great :-)
Flying solo I decided to watch the triathlon, then when the 3 Aussies took 1st, 2nd and 3rd it started raining so I talked to a couple locals on bikes where somewhere fun to go when it raining- they directed me to a club area then decided they would meet me there. It was the same "hip" place jens brought me for dinner. We then grabbed a flaffel and ate it at the nearby park. Julian and Casin were 29 and 31 and working on their medicine degrees-- very different then in the US. We then strolled through a plants and
flowers park and it was nearly 845 (time for the
USA japan womens soccer cup final) so we talked Casin to staying with us for a beverage if the American bar was fun-- no one was there. Met a jolly chap who was leaving and heard my American english and asked where I was from. Erik graduated from
Maple Grove in 2005! Smalll world. He has dual citizenship so he is living in
germany giving the free walking tours and for some environmental firm. We went to an irish pub with his friend christina and watched them game! The uSA would score and within 5 minutes japan would score. It went to a shootout USA missed their first 2 shots. Japan won. We also met this family from
boulder who were working in germany and their colleague was transfering to
minnesota in September! Small world. It was nearly 1130 time to catch my midnight train to
Amsterdam. Julian walked me to the Hauptbanhauf I grabbed my luggage and went to the platform where there was a different train on my tracks--slightly confused I spoke to Sebastian who was waiting for my train. Figured it out got on the right car found my couchette-with someone else sleeping in it.
MN nice I didn't want to wake them up so I found the conductor who got me a different place to sleep. 2 people were already sleeping in that compartment so I passed out too.
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