Mission: to walk all seven continents before we turn 30. Only one more to go.....
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Paris day 3
well--- we were at the fancy club until 5 am, which means-- i didnt wake up until 1pm. Once i woke up I decided i defintely needed to go running as it had been 8 days since my last run. Took off to the river and ran multiple laps around the small park. added 18 sets of stairs to the run as well. an hour and 20 minutes later i returned to Mohammads house and showered and the boys ordered pizza complete with tuna and black olives. It was surprisingly QUITE tastey :-)
about 4pm we started on the metro for the cathedral of Notredame. It was MASSIVE and gorgeous on the inside. in fact-- there was a church service going on while i was there. I lit a candle there too in remembrance of Shea Stremcha-- my friend that was murdered back home. walked passed the love bridge where everyone puts a lock for good luck when they get married. then went to the church on the hill where i wasnt allowed to take pictures on the inside and then we walked the red light district of paris and saw the moulan rouge.
headed back to mohammads place and i packed my stuff. staying at his friend mohammads house tonight so my host mohammad can stay at his uncles. ill stay at mohammad#2s house until i leave for barcelona on monday. well i was packing the friend rugiero from amsterdam told me to get ahold of while in france (i did but hes onto greece so he told me hed spread the word to his friends) had one of his friends get ahold of me and he invited me to watch the finale of the tour de france tomorrow--so im goin to do that instead of disney land paris . we will see what happens
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