Sooo, megan decided to set her alarm for 530 pm so it was a good thing my alarm was set for 6 am (we had a 736am train to catch) I showered quick after not sleeping very well and finished packing. We were out of the house by 625am$ walked all the way to st stephansplatz to catch the orange train to westbanhoff. Made it to the station by 710 am boarded our s

eats and had a compartment all to ourselves- until this dude noticed we had extra luggage room- he had 2 massively huge bags. We then started talking to Arthur- he is an olympic speed skater from Poland (warsaw to be precise) and is moving to Inzell (germany) to train for 3 months for national championships and hopefully 2014 olympics. He should have competed in 2010 winter games but had taken 2 years off to be with a GF in the states (atleast until his visa ran out). So we talked the entire 3 hour train ride to Salzburg (which was supposed to be my na

ppytime) and well be friends on facebook! Who can say they've met an olympian? (Oh he's 25 too) Megan is in love.
Upon arriving to Salzburg we said our goodbyes to arthur and then went searching for our CSer Alex. He ended up waiting at a different stairwell but we found him, purchased our 24 hour metro pass and went to drop our stuff off at his flat. We then went to Donnas thai restaurant for lunch and had the padchai (or something like that). Donnas a little hole in the wall, it was quite tastey for 7 euros. We then caught a bus to this ravine and hiked for 3 hours, it was gorgeous, crazy old limestone buildups and things :-) after catching another bus we headed to the Harrembrumm (the castle in Salzburg famous for the filming of the sound of music) hiked up what seemed forever and got a good view of the city and estate below. Then we stopped by the castle again before catching a bus to old downtown. We walked around old downtown and up some massive staircases (my knee kills on the way down) and got some good panoramic pictures. Then we went to a biergarten for a bevarage topped with sprite (radler) overlooking the city. It was raining off and on at the time but found our table underneath a lubecktree. We then decided to head towards our dinner restaurant but passed Mozarts place of Brith en route. Made it to our restaurant where we had chive sweet onion gno

chi and cheese bake which was quite delectable. Afterwards we quickly caught a bus back to Alexs apartment so megan could shower and me and alex looked up directions to Martin's house in Munich (I met Martin in Puerto r

ico and we met for breakfast in NYNY on my birthday). We then left for the train station at 820 (alex accomapnied us) said our good byes and are now sitting on the train en route to munich! I hope martin answers his doorbell ring a little after 11! (Megan is worried, Alex said we were more than welcome to stay with him!) ... More to come!
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