Mission: to walk all seven continents before we turn 30. Only one more to go.....
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Today jens and i were up at eleven and grabbed bikes (that are randomly placed all throughout town and you just have to call a number to get them unlocked) and biked to the hauftbanhoff (main train station) where we caught a SBahn train to Heidelburg. we changed trains once and made it to heidelburg in about fifty minutes. one of his best friends lives tehre but we walked around the shopping district and walked up the bell tower of one of the churches then had a pizza like appetizer that is a flat thin pizza crust with sour cream and bacon. it was surprisingly tastey. we thenw alked up 312 steps to the fortress overlooking the town. headed back down into town, grabbed a gelato then headed up snake pass to philosopher trail and walked through the other establishment in heidelburg towards his freinds house. it was probably a good 4 mile hike. once we got to his friends house jens helped him move some heavy furniture down the 2 story building--i have a new appreciation for hiring a moving company!!! then we drove in the moving van back to Karlsruhe where we are goign to grab dinner, head to julius' house then see HARRY POTTER SEVeN PART 2 AT MIdNIgHT!!!! (and yes, i will be wearing my harry potter t shirt from kirsten :-) )
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