Mission: to walk all seven continents before we turn 30. Only one more to go.....
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Amsterdam Day 2
through. After an egg sandwich and a peanut butter with chocolate sprinkles sandwich I recived a request from another travler onCS who was looking for something to do today as his hosslept in today until noon. we were thinking about going to the free walking tour around town but decided having a relaxing mornin was a much better decision. Luc went to the grocery store and grabbed breakfast (eggs bread cheese) and i went onto couchsurfers to try and find a host for barcelona--both of my potential hosts fellt was busy working. Chris was hanging out at the library so luc and i decided to pick him up and head to north amsterdam for a bike tour of that city. Luc and i biked through town to the library found Chris then talked him into biking (for the first time in a few years) to the ferry stop. we hopped the ferry across the canal to northern amsterdam and decided to bike-- me being the giirl decided to be bucked since we only had two boats. after awhile i had to switch so i bucked luca then after awhile we switched again and luca bucked chris. we decided to pick aways to the bridge. along the way we found this bike that was two bike frams on top of each other to create a REALLLLLY tall bike. of course the dudes were all about riding it then they were like alight andrea your turn. since luc keeps giving me crap about passing my biking in amsterdam license i decided to do it. i did not fall so that was good. we then went to a microB and enjoyed conversation. then, luc was like oh the market is right here! he was telling me how i have to try a raw herring as it is so dutch to eat it off the tail (VOMIT) luckily the market was closed. opps, too bad but we had to keep walkign until we found a shop--it took three shops before we found one that wasnt sold out. for 2.10 euro i got a raw herring that i had to just eat. GROSS i kept telling myself it was sushi. vomit. went back to the microB to wash the herring down and Lucs friend bart and his gf doe were there waiting for us. it was barts birthday. we stayed there for quite sometime. luc called chris'' host and mentioned cooking mexican but Rig was already cooking indonesian food and offered for all of us to come over. we just had to pick up chicken brocolli and beverages. check check and check. i was bucked all the way to chris hosts place and by the time we walked in it was smelling great. had to wait about an hour for everything to be done. in the meantime we set the table for seven and waited patiently. then--we had a dinner party i brough together for seven people. Rig also had a friend JJ over too. we had a lovely dinner complete with dutch and english being spoken. Rig then offered to make dssert a rasberry sorbet. delicious. Chris ended the night playing guitar. luc and i ended up leaving at midnigth because luc has to work at sixx am and i am onto paris tomorrow. today was probably a rival of one of the best days ive had in europe so far!!
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