Mission: to walk all seven continents before we turn 30. Only one more to go.....
Thursday, July 28, 2011
en route to Dublin
Woke up at 9 am after watching Sherlock holmes with Javier. Showered, packed and had chicken burritos for breakfast. hopped the subway to the beach so i could see the barcelona beach before heading to dublin. the beach was rather nice. saw some nudes bathing.... but it was quite nice and quiet for being eleven am. stopped at a restaurant to order a spanish omelet so i could try it before leaving spain. it was quite good. just an egg bake with potatoes. Then Javier brought me home so i could grab my stuff and we hopped the RR to the airport. Waited in line for about 3o minutes to check my bag with RYANAIR to only discover this ticket counter coudlnt help me until i had my passport checked at a different counter which took another 20 minutes to get through. RyANAIR SUCKS! (in paris i did both at the same counter). got through and boarded the plane. Scored the emergency exit row window AGAIN ( 4/5) and took a nap until i arrived in Dublin.
The dude at customs gave me a rather hard time (why are you here? are you traveling alone? Who are you visiting? how did you meet him? how much money do you have with you? when are u leaving? Can i see your itinerary as to when you are leaving? when did you leave the US? ETc ETC ETc) but it only took about twenty minutes to get through and my bag wasnt even ready yet. Grabbed my bags and met Toufic my host outside the arrivals gate. We hopped a bus to the city center dropped my bags off at his house and grabbed a bite to eat. We split a nachos and calzone with goat cheese. quite tastey then hit up an irish club before calling it a night. oh by the way have i mentioned it rains EVERYWHERE i go...because it was pooring on us our entire walk home. quite fun.....
When me and my friend got to Edinburgh, they grilled us there as well. I think it's because they don't want people to stay there...